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This book is what thousands of beginning runners have been waiting for, an A to Z account of how to find training partners, become motivated and wake-up to the wonders of running.
– – – Michael Brown, Rebel Runners, DE
Camaraderie, companionship, and fun…all such key elements in running, especially as a beginner. This book is a great resource for the runner looking to bring people together from all walks of life all with one common goal – the joy of running – which will develop into so much more.
– – – Cary (Arthritis Foundation), Chicago, IL
As a non-runner, I was especially intrigued in reading “Run With Me” from a different perspective. Many of the “up beat” suggestions can be utilized in forming almost any group.
– – – Claire, Ellenville, NY
Jeff Galloway notes:
Find a friend
“Most runners in the 1960s, ’70s, and even ’80s ran by themselves. Now running groups are everywhere and are very popular. I strongly believe the motivation, encouragement, and friendly competition from groups can help most runners improve performance. Find one based on your current fitness level.”
— Runners World, Sept. 2006
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