Start Your Club | Book Contents | Order Now | Club Ideas | The Author | Testimonials
An eBook which shows individual athletes, novice runners and club organizers how to find each other for companionship, support, and successful running, walking, or hiking activities. There’s no need to workout alone…

- Why start a club? Top 10 reasons
- First Steps: How to gather the core group
- Facilities / Scheduling: Keep it Simple
- Recruiting and Marketing: 10 ways to find members
- Planning: Formal or informal activities?
- Team Spirit: Enthusiasm is Contagious
- Group Bonding: Recognition and Social Events
- Everyone Contributes: Encourage Suggestions
- Plan Activities / Sponsor Events: 10 great ideas!
- Safety Issues: Advice on Gear, Stretching, Hydration
- References and Helpful Links
Order Now! Start getting your running/jogging/walking group together today.
Running Club Directory
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Real world examples of successful clubs!
Within each chapter, you’ll find true stories of what individuals or groups have done to bring in new people or increase participation of members. Also included will be suggestions by leaders of the running community on how to successfully stage events to attract community interest.
Submit your comments for publishing!
I seek assistance from anyone in the running community who can add suggestions, examples or anecdotes for this project. Help fellow runners and novices find others who share their goals of running, jogging or walking.
You will be rewarded with your name or website listed in the eBook, as well as the satisfaction of helping others find the fitness and enjoyment they seek!
Click here to contribute comments or get more info. – – – Ray Christensen