Start Your Club | Book Contents | Order Now | Club Ideas | The Author | Testimonials
To complement the book, this page includes additional information and ideas for you to consider to grow your club or make it even better. Find even more members for your group because MORE MEMBERS = MORE FUN
Improving Your Club – emailed to book purchasers March 2010
This message is going to all who have purchased my “Run With Me” eBook. Spring is almost here! I’m training for a marathon in Nashville, but my darn achilles tendon is a bit sore. I hope you’re having success finding running partners or improving your club. I recently became President of Pike Creek Valley Running Club.
Maybe you’d be interested in seeing the short speech I gave at our awards banquet.
Build or improve (or hire me?) a website for your club or even informal group such as my One of the site’s goals is to inspire people to run or find any fun way to increase your fitness.
Start a FaceBook Group or Page!
Attract members by adding your club or group to my Running My Races directory site. If you hold a racing event, go ahead and add that as well. Even post your personal runner profile!
Get involved in the community! The Rebel Runners get free publicity as participants in Delaware’s “Adopt a Highway” program.
Put teams together when possible! Build bonds between members and give yourselves a silly name at a relay race or race where your top several runners will score. Have your own pasta dinner the evening before.
I’m always happy to receive comments about my book or for inclusion in a future edition. If you wish to be removed from my list, just reply.
Best of luck in your activities.
Run safely!
Ray Christensen (known on the Rebel site as ‘Tuckin’)
Order Book Now! Start gathering your group today.
Order this book to put any kind of athletic group together. Just look at the ‘table of contents’ to see how it can apply to your activity. Input is welcome from anyone who can add suggestions, examples or anecdotes for future editions. Help fellow runners and novices find activity partners for running, jogging or walking. Read Testimonials
Click here to contribute comments or get more info. – – – Ray Christensen
Running Club Directory – Add your club or group now – FREE!
How to assist with this project
The purpose of “Run With Me” is to aid runners in getting more enjoyment and better fitness results, by finding partners who share their interest. I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences as real-life examples of how to find running buddies. Submitted items will appear on this site and in a future edition of the book.
Stories, anecdotes or lessons learned are invited from anyone from novice runners to experienced marathoners and elite athletes. You may submit anywhere from a few lines of text to several paragraphs on any of the following topics.
Scroll down for the benefits of contributing your thoughts!

Suggested topics include:
- Best ways to find participants
- Initial steps to start group
- Why I joined a club/group
- What’s special or unique about my group
- what keeps the club thriving
- How to get free publicity / press coverage
- How to welcome new members or make novices feel welcome
- Most effective club leadership (one person/team/assignments)
- Recommended (successful) group activities
- Formal vs. informal structure: how organized are you?
- Add life to a group which is stagnant or not growing
- Humorous story pertaining to group
How you will benefit from helping:
I appreciate your time and willingness to assist!
Your name (or nickname) and active link to your business/personal website can appear along with your entry, or maybe you’d prefer just initials.
It may appear on this site and in a future edition of the book View links
For submissions greater than a few lines, your brief Bio can also appear.
Most importantly, you can feel the satisfaction of helping others!
Click here to contribute your comments or story.
Click here if you are not contributing an entry, but have other comments or suggestions.