6k, 12k
05/11/19 9:00am Saturday Join us on Saturday, May 11, 2019 in Lansdale, PA for our 2nd annual Yellow Stairway 12k/6k and Kids Fun Run! With unique race distances, you are guaranteed an automatic PR while running a flat and easy course through safe neighborhoods. Following the race stay for the after party! Every participant will receive an AAMazing medal, awards 3 deep in 5 year age groups, T-shirts, great swag, children’s activities, and more! You don’t want to miss this fun family event! If you are coming from out of town, or just want to roll out of bed and walk 1/4 mile to the start line, there will be hotel rooms available. Information for booking will be available shortly! And if you cannot be here in person, there is a virtual option! Looking forward to seeing you in May! Cost: 6k – Regular $30, Angel (pusher) $25; 12k – Regular $45, Angel (pusher) - $40; 1/2 Mile Kids Fun Run - $10; Virtual Participant - $30.
Lansdale, PA Type:
Website: Race Info
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Yellow Stairway 6k/12k
Location: Pennbrook Parkway Complex
Pennbrook Parkway Complex, 1800 Pennbrook Pkwy
Lansdale, PA 19446