09/29/19 9:00am Sunday Join us to raise awareness and money for the ministries of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia! Awards: Top Male and Female. Amenities: T-shirt, refreshments, water stations, prizes, Mass on campus at 8am. Questions: Contact - Sr. Debbie Krist (). Our Mission Statement/other info: The Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia are a community of Catholic women who commit their lives to God as followers of Sts. Francis and Clare. We strive to live in loving relationship and service with all people and creation. We are dedicated to bringing hope and joy to those in need by promoting justice and peace with emphasis on human rights and environmental concerns in our daily encounters. Cost: $25 pre-registered, $30 race day.
Aston, PA Type:
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Location: Neumann College
Neumann College, 1 Neumann Dr
Aston, PA 19014