05/04/19 8:30 am Saturday We are a 5k race and 2-mile fun run located in Roseland. Over our first nine years we have donated $326,000 to Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. We chose this organization based on its sole focus on research AND because every dollar donated goes toward that research. Funded by the three founding families who were unhappy with the progress of research to slow, stop or reverse the disease, they started their own organization. Their mission is finding a cure; they hold no interest in patents or ownership of that cure. All who receive grants from them must share all information discovered. “Running 4 Answers, a race against Alzheimer’s” came to be because my mom had Alzheimer’s. Unable to find a race benefitting the research of the disease, I started one with my friend, Barbara Geiger. Together we have worked to host an event with three goals: 1) increase awareness of and money for Alzheimer’s disease 2) manage a great race and 3) create a fun community event.
Roseland, NJ Type: Road
Website: Info / Register
More Info: 2-mile fun run/walk
Please keep this site free by visiting our sponsors:
Running 4 Answers, a race against Alzheimer's
Location: Roseland Municipal Building
19 Harrison Avenue
Roseland, NJ 07068