Virtual Event = ride, run or walk the entire month of June to complete the distance of your choice.
06/01/21 12:01 AM Tuesday The LA County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) announces The LA Rivers Challenge; Ride, Walk, or Run LA's Historic Waterways which takes place during the entire month of June, and is a virtual event designed to get people bicycling, walking and running while raising awareness for L.A.’s historic waterways. Participants register and track their progress online, via the website and mobile app. This event is in place of the one-day Los Angeles River Ride, an annual bicycling event along the LA River Path between Griffith Park and Long Beach. 2020 was going to mark the 20-year anniversary of the River Ride, but the pandemic put that on hold. With that in mind, LACBC created a new event which allows people to enjoy LA’s great outdoors, while continuing to practice safe physical distancing. For the first time in their history, LACBC is opening it up to walkers and runners. The idea is to make it accessible to as many people as possible. This includes the experienced serious athlete, someone who is looking to become more physically active, weekend recreationalists and families. There are many levels of challenge and distance to choose from, ranging from 31 to 639 miles. Participants go at their own pace and on their own schedules. People can register as individuals as well as join in teams.
Los Angeles, CA Type: Road
Website: Register/Info

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LA Rivers Challenge: Ride, Walk, or Run LA's Historic Waterways virtual event
1 Participate Anywhere, it's Virtual
Los Angeles, CA 90245
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