09/14/19 9:00am Saturday Support the NICU at Holy Redeemer Hospital. Location: Campus of Bryn Athyn College, 2945 College Drive Bryn Athyn, PA. Time: Registration begins at 8:00 AM and the race will begin at 9:00 AM. Awards: Overall and Age Groups - Top 3 overall, top 3 in each age group. Amenities: Free parking at Bryn Athyn College, run tee shirt, snacks, beverages, water stations and post-race celebration at Iron Hill Brewery in Huntingdon Valley. Cost: $30.
Bryn Athyn, PA Type:
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Holy Redeemer NICU 5k
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Location: Bryn Athyn College
Bryn Athyn College, 2945 College Dr
Bryn Athyn, PA 19009