5K, 10K, 15K, 5mi, 10mi, Half, Kids Run, Any activity you choose
09/12/20 1:00pm CDT Saturday Do 2020 YOUR Way, Houston! We hope you will join us on Saturday, September 12, as we come together virtually to raise funding and awareness for lung cancer! How it Works Together, we can increase lung cancer survival by raising even more awareness and funding for cutting-edge lung cancer research, critical patient support services and direct federal advocacy through the GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer. We are not going to let the virus stop us from changing the future for all those affected by lung cancer. We are stronger together!
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Website: GO2 Foundation Do 2020 Your Way Houston
More Info: General Do 2020 You Way: $30 Lung Cancer Survivors: FREE All registered participants will receive a Participant Pack (T-shirt and GO2-branded swag).Registration Fees
Youth (Age 0-12) & Seniors (60+): $20
No Shirt - All Ages: $15
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