12/07/19 8:00am Saturday Radnor Memorial Library’s 6th Annual Elves for the Shelves 5K and fun run is a road race through the beautiful South Wayne Neighborhood. This family event, which takes place in conjunction with the WBA’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Santa Parade, has something fun for everyone, including a Fun Run with Santa, #Elfies, and more. Pre-race packet pickup will occur in the Radnor Memorial Library Winsor Room from 5PM to 7PM on Friday, December 6. You may also pick up your packet in the Winsor Room on race day starting at 7:00 AM. The 5k begins promptly at 8AM and the fun run will follow at 8:05AM. Cost: 5k - $20 through 10/6, $25 through 11/16, $30 until race day, $35 race day; Fun Run - $15.
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Elves for the Shelves 5k
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Location: Radnor Memorial Library
Radnor Memorial Library, 115 W Wayne Ave
Wayne, PA 19087