10/20/19 10:00am Sunday Participate in a 5k cross country run to help us to support the victim services programs of Delaware County Women Against Rape. Awards: Overall male and female; Top male and female in each group; Overall team. Amenities: Enjoy a Sunday fall morning run/walk in scenic Rose Tree Park, get a T-shirt, enjoy refreshments, prizes, and activities for children. Rules: NO refunds! All proceeds directly support Delaware County Women Against Rape. Race will be held rain or shine! Pre-registration is greatly appreciated. T-shirts are only guaranteed to those who pre-register. Cost: Pre-Registration for individuals $30; Day of $35; Pre-Registration as a team $25 each; Day of $30; Children 12 and under are free.
Media, PA Type: Trail
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Website: Race Info
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DelcoWAR Race for Victims' Rights
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Location: Rose Tree Park
Rose Tree Park, 1671 N Providence Rd
Media, PA 19063