02/09/19 12PM Saturday a·bom·i·na·ble / adjective The Abominable QUADZILLA Winter Race Series is a 3-event points series. All races will be held on Saturdays at high noon through the winter. The dates are: January 12 ; February 9; and the finale on March 9th. The Abominable QUADZILLA Winter Race Series will start/finish at Dew Point Brewing Company. This 3 race point series pitting human potential against the elements of possible bitter cold, snow, wind, ice, freezing rain and an all-terrain 5k course comprised of 4 quad-searing & lung burning hill repeats is not for the feeble. Register for the whole series and get the hoodie all your weak ass friends will be jealous of, or register per event if you have some excuse as to why you can't do all three events that are held at noon on Saturday's in the winter. Day of registrations will be available up until 15-minutes before race start times (11:45AM) for $30 (includes a post race beer and hot cocoa; not an awesome hoodie). Hoodies can be purchased additionally for $25 for non-series registrants, but only after you successfully complete one event. Awards: This is a 3 race point series. Points accumulate over those 3 races based on placing. Winner gets 10 points and goes back 1 pt from there (10,9,8,7,6.....1). Points will be separated for males/females. Top 3 point leaders (per gender) at the last race March 9 will get prizes (TBD but will be awesome!). Race Amenaties: Each registered runner will get a beer from Dew Point Brewing Co. and self serve hot cocoa until the thermos is empty. There will be a food truck (additional charge), have a pizza delivered (at your expense), or bring some gnosh from home; Dew Point is BYOF. There may or may not be an aid station at the bottom of the hill (water freezes in the winter ya know). Proceeds from this event will go to Auburn Heights Preserve
Yorklyn, DE Type: Other
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causing moral revulsion. very bad or unpleasant.
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Abominable Quadzilla Winter Race Series
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Location: Dew Point Brewing Company
2878 Creek Rd
Yorklyn, DE 19736